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Messaggio Da CicoMichael777 Mer Ott 30, 2013 2:55 am

Chiedo scusa se è gia' stato postato..ma non ho trovato nulla a riguardo!

Da questo momento in poi Conrad Murray è un uomo libero. Riascoltando le parole scelte dal giudice Pastor per condannarlo alla pena massima di 4 anni prevista per il suo reato, sembra assolutamente incredibile che questo assassino che non ha mai sentito alcun rimorso per le sue azioni non sia rimasto nemmeno 2 anni interi in prigione grazie a una nuova legge in California dovuta al sovraffollamento carcerario che è entrata in vigore giusto quando è cominciato il suo processo. Sono successe tante cose dopo l'omicidio di Michael che continuano ad ucciderlo con le menzogne e l'ingiustizia e quello che mi preoccupa di più è come tutte queste cose influenzeranno i suoi figli, specialmente dopo quello che ha passato Paris l'estate scorsa. Stanno per vedere l'uomo che ha ucciso il loro papà tornare a casa e vendere le sue disgustose cavolate ai media rapaci che godono nel dare di Michael una rappresentazione sbagliata ed educano la gente ad avere sentimenti negativi verso di lui, come ognuno dei giurati del processo AEG ha ammesso durante la selezione della giuria.
Pastor disse che non aveva alcuna autorità per revocare la licenza di Murray, che sembra essere una decisione che spetta alla Commissione Medica di uno Stato.
Murray possedeva 4 licenze mediche quando ha ucciso Michael: California, Texas, Nevada e Hawaii.
La California ha depositato i documenti per revocare la licenza di Murray il 27 giugno 2012 e il Texas ha revocato la sua licenza lo scorso agosto.
Ad oggi, Nevada e Hawaii hanno solo sospeso la licenza di Murray e da quello che possiamo capire lui ha solo bisogno di richiederle perché possano essere ristabilite.
Partecipiamo ad uno sforzo collettivo per richiedere agli Stati del Nevada e delle Hawaii che revochino immediatamente la licenza di Murray.
Perfavore, copiate e incollate le lettere nei primi 2 commenti e inviatele a:

nsbme@medboard.nv.gov (Per lo Stato del Nevada – copia e incolla dal primo commento)
medical@dcca.hawaii.gov (Per lo Stato delle Hawaii – copia e incolla dal secondo commento)

Laura Messina

Email: medical@dcca.hawaii.gov
SUBJECT: For Immediate Revocation of Conrad Murray’s Hawaii Medical License
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to place a complaint against Conrad Robert Murray, Hawaii Medical License MD-#11618 for the following in violations of the Medical Practice Act: Gross Negligence and Repeated Negligent Acts, Incompetence, Unprofessional Conduct, and at least 17 Egregious Violations and Departure from Standard of Care.
All are substantially related to the inadequate qualifications, functions, and duties of Conrad Murray to a substantial degree and evidence present and future unfitness in a manner consistent with public health, safety, or welfare. I am a member of a large group of millions of people demanding appropriate Justice for the Homicide of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
As you know, the Medical Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by Doctors and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically.
Conrad Murray took a Hippocratic Oath, which is one of the oldest binding documents in history.
The Oath is supposed to be held sacred by Physicians, but instead, Conrad Murray ABANDONED the Hippocratic Oath choosing to commit at least Seventeen (17) egregious deviations/violations and COMPLETELY ABANDONING THE OATH AND HIS PATIENT, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON.
I respectfully request an immediate Review and Revocation of the Hawaii Medical License of Conrad Robert Murray, who was found Guilty on November 7, 2011, of the Homicide (Involuntary Manslaughter) of Michael Joseph Jackson on June 25, 2009.
Based on the facts that are present in the case of The People v. Conrad Murray, Case Number SA073164, Dr. Murray who is responsible for the death of Mr. Michael Jackson, displayed a careless, reckless and intentional disregard for his life.

Dr. Murray administered Propofol in a residential home setting without the aid of appropriate medical equipment to monitor his patient, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Dr. Murray, a Cardiologist, knowingly performed Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on a "bed" contrary to medical guidelines on the proper method to perform effective CPR.
Dr. Murray left the room for a long period of time after injecting high levels of Propofol into Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Dr. Murray did not use sound judgment nor exhibit good faith and did not call 9-1-1 assistance for an unacceptable length of time, which is extreme willful misconduct and negligence.
Dr. Murray did not tell the truth regarding his administering Propofol nor the amount of Propofol he administered as the autopsy findings of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson attest.
There seems to be deliberate inconsistencies in the timeline provided by Dr.Murray.
There are also allegations that Dr. Murray completely abandoned his patient and left the premises of N. Carolwood Drive for several hours after he administered the Propofol to Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Clearly, this appears to be a premeditated abandonment of his Hippocratic Oath as a Medical Doctor.
Given the gravity of the situation and the fact Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson’s life was taken, the mere "Suspension" of his Hawaii Medical License is a slap on the wrist as he gave Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson A DEATH SENTENCE.
As aforementioned, we are a base of constituents, representing millions of interested people around the Country and the World, who are dedicated to this Revocation of Conrad Robert Murray's Hawaii Medical License.
We look to you as Medical Professionals to represent, in good faith, the medical profession, the best interest of the people of the State of Hawaii, the United States, the World, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson’s Family, and most importantly, his three children, who no longer have a Father because he was taken away from them so tragically.
Thank you very much in advance for your prompt attention to this very, very important request. We look forward to your immediate action.
Respectfully submitted,

Email: nsbme@medboard.nv.gov
SUBJECT: For Immediate Revocation of Conrad Murray’s Nevada Medical License
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to place a complaint against Conrad Robert Murray, Nevada Medical License MD-#9141 for the following in violations of the Medical Practice Act: Gross Negligence and Repeated Negligent Acts, Incompetence, Unprofessional Conduct, and at least 17 Egregious Violations and Departure from Standard of Care.
All are substantially related to the inadequate qualifications, functions, and duties of Conrad Murray to a substantial degree and evidence present and future unfitness in a manner consistent with public health, safety, or welfare. I am a member of a large group of millions of people demanding appropriate Justice for the Homicide of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
As you know, the Medical Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by Doctors and other healthcare professionals swearing to practice medicine ethically.
Conrad Murray took a Hippocratic Oath, which is one of the oldest binding documents in history.
The Oath is supposed to be held sacred by Physicians, but instead, Conrad Murray ABANDONED the Hippocratic Oath choosing to commit at least Seventeen (17) egregious deviations/violations and COMPLETELY ABANDONING THE OATH AND HIS PATIENT, MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON.
I respectfully request an immediate Review and Revocation of the Nevada Medical License of Conrad Robert Murray, who was found Guilty on November 7, 2011, of the Homicide (Involuntary Manslaughter) of Michael Joseph Jackson on June 25, 2009.
Based on the facts that are present in the case of The People v. Conrad Murray, Case Number SA073164, Dr. Murray who is responsible for the death of Mr. Michael Jackson, displayed a careless, reckless and intentional disregard for his life.
Dr. Murray administered Propofol in a residential home setting without the aid of appropriate medical equipment to monitor his patient, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Dr. Murray, a Cardiologist, knowingly performed Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on a "bed" contrary to medical guidelines on the proper method to perform effective CPR.
Dr. Murray left the room for a long period of time after injecting high levels of Propofol into Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Dr. Murray did not use sound judgment nor exhibit good faith and did not call 9-1-1 assistance for an unacceptable length of time, which is extreme willful misconduct and negligence.
Dr. Murray did not tell the truth regarding his administering Propofol nor the amount of Propofol he administered as the autopsy findings of Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson attest.
There seems to be deliberate inconsistencies in the timeline provided by Dr.Murray.
There are also allegations that Dr. Murray completely abandoned his patient and left the premises of N. Carolwood Drive for several hours after he administered the Propofol to Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson.
Clearly, this appears to be a premeditated abandonment of his Hippocratic Oath as a Medical Doctor.
Given the gravity of the situation and the fact Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson’s life was taken, the mere "Suspension" of his Nevada Medical License is a slap on the wrist as he gave Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson A DEATH SENTENCE.

As aforementioned, we are a base of constituents, representing millions of interested people around the Country and the World, who are dedicated to this Revocation of Conrad Robert Murray's Nevada Medical License.
We look to you as Medical Professionals to represent, in good faith, the medical profession, the best interest of the people of the State of Nevada, the United States, the World, Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson’s Family, and most importantly, his three children, who no longer have a Father because he was taken away from them so tragically.
Thank you very much in advance for your prompt attention to this very, very important request. We look forward to your immediate action.
Respectfully submitted,
Greatest Entertainer of All Time
Greatest Entertainer of All Time

Numero di messaggi : 13341
Età : 31
Località : Tokyo,ma vivo nell'Isola che non c'è con Michael!!
Data d'iscrizione : 26.11.09


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